Thursday, August 19, 2010



A nice man died today. He was lazy....born lazy. He saw the wickedness of the world and all the despicable and dreadful acts by other men who had money against those who had no money, but he did very little. He died because he was powerless. He was not a member of the Truth and Justice Party Party so he was not given the teachings in a long life. It is a sad day that men who love evil and want to inflict evil on the young and children can get away with all their appalling acts. There does not seem to be a care in the word. The question now is was Osama Bin Laden right in what he did to take control of his own destiny and force the issues when others in power have had years to force the issues but refuse to or fail to act in the interest of the people or in the interest of the nation.

A nice man died today because he had an aortic aneurism - that just means the cardio veins pulled away from his heart under great strees and pressure and he died instantly. He was a young man. He was full of life but was given a weak heart. The aortea can be looked after if you are over 30 years old you must take 50mg of ASPIRAN everyday in the morning. This will do one thing for sure, and that is prevent blodd clots but also will put off any heart attack. DON'T WAIT FOR YOUR DOCTOR TO TELL YOU THIS. GO AND LOOK AT YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE. IF IT SAYS THAT YOU ARE OVER 30 THEN YOU START TO TAKE 1 ASPIRAN EVERYDAY - MALE OR FEMALE - YOU TAKE 50 mg every morning till you die.

The nice man did not take aspiran. He died instantly. He was a loving Dad and great Husband. He will be missed by all.

If you want to live then start helping others around and find out their medical conditions. If they are alcoholics or smokers then get them to stop. If they are stressed or just plain looney then help them out. DON'T WAIT - REMEMBER, OSAMA BIN LADEN DID NOT WAIT FOR THE U.S. CALVERY TO COME AND SAVE HIM - and nor should you.

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