Monday, July 5, 2010

$320 Million dollars is needed for the War on Firearms


$320 Million dollars need for exclusive nation wide camapign. The Chairman and CEO of the Truth and Justice Party has determined that it will cost $320 million to manage and markey lawfully and properly the four (4) stage referendum on the changes for firearm ownership and control in the U.S.A. The People shall not longer become the innocent victim or the hunted by shall ensure there is a tight legislative program and screening to turn America around from the Land of the Fear and the Feared, to the Land of Brave and land of Hope. It is our country, it is our flag, it is our White House and the People know the answer that when they see young, dedicated and hard working police officers gunned down in the streets and towns of America when they are doing their duty or simply having a donut and coffee at a cafe THEN THESE ARE EMERGENCY TIMES. There are no options for the gun lobby they must give up unregulated gun ownership otherwise they will be removed from the American landscape forever. freedom is free from anxiety, stress and fear and when criminals and irresponsible persons including working men, loving husbands or other decent men resort to guns to kill themselves or their families and friends or their work mates then the confidence in the gun lobby has well andtruly dried up and the People will stand their ground and say ENOUGH KILLING IS ENOUGH - WE WANT NO MORE KILLINGS! This is a no thrills campaign. It will be simple. There are 4 stages of the referendum. Every American shall vote. The first stage is for you the individual, then the second stage is for your ciommunity you live in, then the third shall be for the state you live in and finally the final decision shall be for your federal government and whole nation. Your decision is to be made given all the facts and evidence. The Truth and Justice Party ask you to vote Yes to the following campaign referendum questions:

1. Do you want firearms, ammunition and explosives banned from your life? If you vote yes, then there shall be a 5 kilometre exclusion zone from your primary place of abode whereby the federal government will ensure that there are no firarms, ammunition or explosives to be in possession by any person or business. This shall remove all fears and anxiety from your life and hopefully let you celebrate your life in peace and tranquility.
2. Do you want firearms, ammunition and explosives banned from your county, council, ward or shire? If you vote yes, then the county, council, shire or ward from where you live in cannot approve any business for the sale or distribution of any firearm, ammunition or explosive and all local government officials shall monitor this to ensure no person acts illegally or unlawfully or establishes a underground or black market for traffick9ing of firearms, ammuntion or explosives against your vote and wishes.
3. Do you want firearms, ammunition and explosves banned from your state? If you vote yes, then the state government must not alow any person other than the federal government in your state to use or possess any firearm, ammunition or explosive. This gives the state control. If you believe that there is a need for the state to have access to any and all activities using firearms, ammunition and explosves then the State Governor shall duly appoint a Committee to ensure that the state is fully protected and employees of the state in law enforcement and police work are properly equipped.
4. Do you want the firearms, ammunition and explosives lawfully and properly legislated, managed, supervised, monitored and fully controlled by the Federal Government. If you vote yes, then you tell the President of the United States, White House and Congress that you are a citizen who demands the responsibility of firearms is fully taken upon by the Federal Government and that all users and owners shall be properly educated in the use and danagers of firearms and explosives and the penalties for breach of the new laws. The Federal Government must identify many persons who have firearms and explosives who have mental health problems ranging from mild and minor problems to severe and extremely danagerous, and these persons must be removed from the community forthwith and their guns destroyed. When you vote yes you agree that firearms are needed in many circumstances in the community but they are not needed on a daily basis and that the peace of the community has been unbalanced due to very weak minded legislators and cowards in government. A yes vote gives you immediate cover and the law is entitled to enter any home and inspect such home for any firearm, hand gun, pistol, ammuntion or expolive. There shall be a $500 reporting fee paid to any person who can inform police as to the whereabouts of any firearm, hand gun or pistol that has been hidden from the law and the new Firearms Act. This money is paid by the Federal Government to show appreciation and that those who sought to undermine the new laws and will of the People and the People have courage to fight the fight. The people have input into the laws of the United States of America and the news laws must be rushed into the Congress to keep law enforcement and police officers alive. The gun lobby have their eyes on People who do not see eye-to-eye with their views of the world. I am here to make short work of their lies and misinformation. Under the new Act the gun lobby shall register and train every gun owner and shooter and the gun lobby shall have powers to charge fees and levies and conduct investigations into misconduct by members. The gun lobby shall also have the power to seek warrants for search and entry into any home at any time of any gun owner or shooter and inspect those premises either with other senior nominated gun lobby committee men or law enforcement and police officers. The gun lobby shall have the right to sue any person who breaches the new laws in the United States Supreme Court in any Sate or Territory of the USA, and any person injured, assaulted, maimed or frighten by any unlawful or illegal or threatening act by any registered member of the gun lobby shall be sued under the new laws in the United States Supreme Court in any State or Territory of the USA. There will be a new Firearms Consultative Committee that shall interview and assess all gun owners and shooters prior to any gun owner or shooter taking possession of any firearm, hand gun or pistol and using that weapon. Under the new laws the penalties and punishments shall be increased to maximum level to ensure that good People live without fear and bad People are imprisoned for their criminal and utterly stupid (if not bloody ignorant and arrogant) conduct. Criminals shall not survive in a new Amercia. They shall be found out and identified and finally imprisoned for a long duration of time.
THIS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION, AND THAT IS WHY THE WHITE HOUSE REFUSES TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH ABOUT THE GUN LOBBY AND THE KILLINGS OF INNOCENT LAW ENFORCEMENT AND POLICE OFFICERS IN THE USA. YOU MUST FIND OUT - DISCOVER THE FACTS - DISCOVER THE EVIDENCE - FIND OUT THE TRUTH. The Truth and Justice Party needs Americans who are Responsible with a Capital "R", and they must be fair and frank with the evidence and the facts. The main aim of the Party, is to bring stability and peace to every community of America and remove the violence by reckless and insane men who are lunatics who some how are gravitated towards rifles, hand guns and psitols to prove their manliness and hide their dark cowardice. I want to give hope to every girl in America that America is safe and that you can go out at night and not be harmed and you can break off any relationship without being killed by your friend or lover or family - please, STOP THE KILLING Mr President.

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