Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Policy 1: Media advisor position shall be created to research and collate all firearm and explosives deaths. Today, is the first death since the Party was founded and created and it is reported. Today is a Very Sad Day:

As reported in the Courier Mail:

Custody row ends in death of mum, baby after Gracemere shooting
From: The Courier-Mail July 08, 2010 6:54AM
HOUSE OF HORROR: Police at home where a mother shot her baby. Pic: Jeff Camden Source: The Courier-Mail

CLUES: Police investigators at the scene of a shooting in Gracemere take evidence. Picture: Jeff Camden Source: The Courier-Mail
UNTHINKABLE. For residents of a small community west of Rockhampton, it's the only word to describe what happened on Tuesday night.

Shortly before 8pm, 22-year-old Gracemere mother Jade Quilligan is thought to have shot her eight-month-old son Anthony.

She is also believed to have shot her ex-husband in the stomach.

As her son was carried to a neighbour's house in a desperate attempt to save his life, Quilligan left in a ute, which hit a tree 10km down the road.

She died at Rockhampton Base Hospital where, The Courier-Mail understands, scans revealed she had a gunshot wound to the head.

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Post-mortems are expected to be performed today in Rockhampton.

Residents across the small Gracemere community remain in shock.

Many cannot comprehend how or why the double-tragedy occurred.

Inspector Jon Wacker said police had found a small handgun in the car's passenger seat.

Shocked neighbours were the first to raise the alarm after the woman's bloodied ex-husband, Lenny Comollatti, stumbled across the street for help. He screamed that his baby son was still inside the house.

Neighbours found the infant on the floor of the house and took him to a neighbouring off-duty paramedic's house. The child later died in hospital.

The Courier-Mail understands the couple were involved in a Family Court battle after a divorce late last year. Sources said custody of the child and ownership of a house was the subject of the court battle.

Shock, disbelief and fear were also words used by neighbours yesterday.

"I've been here three months and I've been telling people it's a quiet street," one neighbour said last night.

Jodie Bennett, 35, who lives next door said she became aware of the drama when she heard gunshots in the early evening.

"A man went in there and found the little fella on the floor," she said.

"There was screaming and everything. They were calling out to get an ambulance."

Neighbour Lisa Willis said the shooting was a huge shock.

"It's a very quiet street. We don't have anything like that happen here," she said.

Family friend Dott Fechner said the community would rally around the family.

"The community is very moved and very emotional," she said. "It's a tragedy for a small community, and we will be asking ourselves whether there was something we could have done."

She said the wounded father had other children, worked in a mine out of town, played football and was well respected.

Mr Comollatti was last night in a stable condition and police guards on his bed had been stood down.

Rockhampton Mayor Brad Carter said the community would band together.

"We are a very close community," he said. "That's the way we function. This incident will have a significant impact on the community, especially as we care so much for children and young people."

Police have launched Operation Ice Imperial into the incident involving up to 35 officers. They will await the results of a post-mortem examination before preparing a report for the coroner.

Anyone with personal problems can call Lifeline on 131 114 or Mensline Australia on 1300 789 978.

Jason Tin, Ainsley Dobson and Alex Dickinson


Autopsies to be carried out on mum, baby07:36 AEST Thu Jul 8 20103 hours 24 minutes

An autopsy will be carried out on Thursday on the body of a Queensland mother suspected of killing her baby son and wounding her ex-husband.

Police would not confirm or deny reports the woman, who died following a car crash after the shootings, sustained a bullet wound to the head.

The woman's ex-husband remains in hospital in a stable condition after surgery for a gunshot wound to his stomach.

Police say he's no longer under police guard.

An autopsy will also be carried out on Thursday on the eight-month-old boy, who was shot along with his father at a home in Gracemere, near Rockhampton, on Tuesday night.

Police say the woman, 22, died from massive head injuries sustained when the ute she was driving hit a tree soon after the shootings.

Detective Inspector Jon Wacker told reporters a small handgun was found in the ute. Forensic tests will be carried out on the weapon.

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