Thursday, July 1, 2010

Banning of all Firearms, Hand Guns and Pistols


Policy 1: The use of firearms, hand guns and pistols in any metropolitan area is offensive and objectionable, and no person shall have lawful authority to own such weapon in any built up area or within 100 kilometres of the G.P.O. [General Post Office]. New laws to ban activities in unlawful and illegal and wrongful use of firearms shall apply to all citizens. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution has been wrongly interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Constitution shall have second place to the Holy Bible: thus, the Constitutional rights of citizens means nothing unless lawfully and clearly stated in the Holy Bible. The laws of the Constitution come from the Holy Bible and many who have read and followed the words of the Holy Bible.
The use of firearms, hand guns and pistols by any minors or person under the age of 21 shall be forbidden. The ownership of firearms, hand guns and pistols shall be banned and they shall be leased. All persons who have firearms in their possession shall keep them on their own private property and not bring those weapons on to any federal lands, or state lands or local government lands. Any person who does so shall be guilty of an offence and imprisoned for 15 years. Any person who brings any firearm, hand gun or pistol on to any business premises, where government or private shall be guilty of an offence and imprisoned for 20 years. Any person who uses a firearm, hand gun or pistol in any offence or discharges any firearm or hand gun or pistol while committing an offence or fleeingthe scene of a crime or offence shall be guilty of an offence and imprisoned for 35 years. Any person who buys and sells or trades in any firearm or ammunition without a licence shall be guilty of an offence and imprisoned for 15 years.
email: to discuss or donate to the Referendum to end the terms ""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." These words were framed in time of war and unknown future for a new nation. They have no relevance today. The deaths of many innocent police officers and law enfiorcement personnel shall come to an end after the referendum and the safety and security of all employees in the workplace shall be returned. The members of the U.S. Supreme Court have shown they have no respect for human life and the evil intent by evil doers in possession of firearms: their attitude is killing another person if fun and amusing and one should join the race and be a killer (if you love your country). After the referendum they shall be asked to resign as they are unfit to serve the law and the administration of justice and thier decisions actually contributed to many crimes including murder, assault, armed hold ups and violent robbery. I can inform the mad and the clinically insane....there is no Militia today in America, but a lawful force called the U.S. ARMY & the U.S. Marine Corp.

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