Sunday, July 4, 2010


TRUTH&JUSTICE PARTY. DAY 5. Policy 4: Recruiting, selecting and inducting the right People for Law. Presently, there are too many People involved in government, politics and law. When we have a real good hard look at these men we discover that many of them are a particular brand of coward. In fact, they are unfit for any role in public life or government. It is up to the People to start a fresh and build a new system of government with bigger abd bolder laws that protect the health, safety and welfare of all other People. Today, many people in government are just plain selfish. The U.S. Supreme Court is a very unpleasant court house and without saying outright it is dishonest or corrupt or fraudulent it is best to say it is most deceitful. I think if you actaully sat down and asked each judge of the U.S. Supreme Court house whether or not the U.S. Supreme Court was deceitful they would probably agree and say yes it was due to many of its past decisions which infact are not the laws of the Parliament or Congress but the laws of the judges. The excessive illegal and unlawful and wrongful killings in the USA by men with high powered rifles, hand guns and pistols is disgraceful and ATROSIOUS. The legislators have conceded now in America that it is okay and alright and just dandy if some one comes into your homes or place of work and starts shooting and killing your family and friends. The U.S. Court houses and legislators have a great solution: the death penalty. When some one kills you and ruins your life and family's life and businnes life then they will be caught and killed. THIS IS LUNACY FROM LUNATICS. I urge and say to the President of the United States of America and all women in America - STOP THE KILLING MR PRESIDENT. I urge all Americans to forget the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and start a new firearms free party in politics called the Truth and Justice Party. This party will remove access to guns and ammunition and explosives by dangerous sick psycho men and stop the killings. Presently the government, law makers, judges and legislators believe it is alright if you die but not them; what they do not understand is that they have turned America into the killing fields of Cambodia and Vietnam and that this is due to their greed for money and support for big business. Truth and Justice Party values all police and law enforcement officers and demands that their place of work, namely the community, is a safe and protected place to be in and that the laws must be changed to make sure that all police officers are safe and well at all times of the day and night during their shifts.

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