Monday, July 12, 2010


The World Cup final was a moment for love, happiness, thrills and joy for every one around the world. You did not need a special invitation from FIFA to just went along to any bar, club, oval, lounge room or place to view two great teams fight it out in a real dog fight to win the great prize in soccer they call the World Cup. It was the happiest time in the life for millions and millions of people. Special events are hard to plan and organise and then get off the ground. It could have been a fizzer....but it wasn't; it was a success. Then, suddenly we heard about our fans and friends in UGANDA. They were relaxing and having fun and cheering for their teams. They were caught up in the fan fare, the flag waving, the noise and special highlights of the World Cup, when most unexpected a series of bombs went off and killed them. The bomb makers wanted to kill innocent people. They achieved that. They were able to achieve this because security was poor and that other men had evil intent in their hearts to kill, injure, figure and maim innocent football fans who last thought would have been their own security. All of this was done by followers of Islam and they call themselves Muslims. These acts of terror by the followers of Islam have no boundaries and no shame. Today, after this World Cup mass murder, there can be no place safe and no time to fully relax. You must be responsible for your security and that of your family and friends 27 hours a day, 7 days a week. It will be extremely tiring but you have to be vigilant and alert and stop the bombers. We all have to find the bomb makers and stop them from what they are doing. Some men just want to kill, and kill, and kill, and kill....and never stop killing innocent people. They believe they have a right to kill because they have easy access to firearms, guns and explosives. Today is a time for mourning the dead and remember our dear lost soccer friends in UGANDA. I hope the law brings the killers to justice, as that is what we all want. I say this, today it was UGANDA.....and tomorrow it will be your home town, or city. ALWAYS BE ALERT. My condolences and that of each and every member of the Truth and Justice Party go out to the family and friends of those who have suffered loss and pain, and we are all sad that they have been taken in this bomb explosion that was totally unnecessary and will achieve nothing for any cause. THIS BOMB EXPLOSION HAS SHOWN US ALL, THAT IN MOMENTS OF GREAT HAPPINESS AND JOY, DEATH ITSELF IS AT OUR DOOR.

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