Friday, July 2, 2010

New Firearms & Explosive Act 2010


Policy 2: The use of firearms, hand guns and pistols in any metropolitan area is offensive and objectionable, and no person shall have lawful authority to own such weapon in any built up area or within 100 kilometres of the G.P.O. [General Post Office]. New laws to ban activities in unlawful and illegal and wrongful use of firearms shall apply to all citizens. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution has been wrongly interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Constitution shall have second place to the Holy Bible: thus, the Constitutional rights of citizens means nothing unless lawfully and clearly stated in the Holy Bible. The laws of the Constitution come from the Holy Bible and many who have read and followed the words of the Holy Bible.
A new Firearms Act is needed to control the movement of firearms across the country. The new Act must have new rules for urine samples to be taken from all owners, shooters and licence holders and any detection of any illegal substance in the urine should mean automatic ban as that person is not only irresponsible but also reckless and does not care what state his body or in particular his mind is in when dealing, handling or firing a firearm, hand gun or pistol. Any person who tests positive to any banned substance including alcohol, cocaine, heroin and other substance shall be banned for 3 years from applying for a licence. If that person is found in possession of a firearm, hand gun or pistol during the period of the ban then they shall be guilty of an offence and imprisoned for 10 years. There shall be a period of professional counselling for 13 weeks whereby a person interested in owning or shooting a firearm shall attend and discuss all aspects of his life and gun responsibility. That final report shall be presented to any court or senior police officer to determine whether or not that person may or may not be in possession or ownership of a firearm,s licence. Under the new Act one must have a firearms licence first before one can purchase a firearm, hand gun or pistol. This important new Act shall make gun ownership in the hands of dangerous and reckless persons more difficuland if they persists in having guns and ammunition or explosives then they shall be imprisoned. Imprisonment shall mean regular mental assessments of the prisoner to determine whether or not that person should be released into society or whether that person is a danger to society and the established law and order of a peaceful community. Under the new Act all residents of a community shall have a vote to declare whether or not they want any firearm, hand gun or pistol in their community held by any other person other than law enforcement or a police officer, and any member of the community can at any time make a formal application to the police and the courts to have all firearms, hand guns and pistols removed and seized from any person for any reckless or indifferent or threatening or violent or offensive or objectionable act. Thus, firearms licence holders ahll at all time be on their best behaviour and any conduct which offends the decency or morality of the community shall be reason to ban such person from a firaems licence and seize their guns. All guns seized shall be destroyed by court orders only. Any harassing or embarrassing or threatening behaviour must be reported immediately and that person shall be detained for 3 days under the new Act in a mental institution for their unlawful or illegal or unreasonable conduct. email: to discuss any requirements for technology or legal requirements, protocols to be implemented with new community rules.

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