Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Policy 1: FAITH in the truth, BELIEF in the justice. Under the new Firearms Act there will be ownership and possession based on Integrity. This is the hand-shake of the People; the Covenant of the new world for the new People; the end of fear and mistrust forever. What is ownership and possession Integrity? It applies to the honest and diligent conduct of all members of the gun lobby, and all registered licence holders of firearms, hand guns and pistols and each and every shooter when they pick up a gun. Integrity means that you make sure the gun is safe and unloaded at all times except when on a live firing range. There will be no other times when a firearm shall be armed and People will not role play as detectives or police officers and investigate any incidents or crimes or noises on their properties - that is the job of the State and Federal police services. Integrity means you never threaten to kill or injure or maim or scare a person using a firearm or any weapon. Integrity is the corner stone of the Constitution and the words written into the Constitution must be taken as face value and no judicial interpretation whatsoever shall be allowed by any Federal Government or U.S. Supreme Court. Integrity means that you report all offences seen or heard of using a firearm or any other weapon to your local State police service and also the Federal Bureau of Investigations for national response and case study reporting. Integrity means you never use any firearm, hand gun or pistol in any offence including felony murder or armed hold up or any robbery or get away (fleeing the scene of a crime). Integrity means that you will not behave dishonesty or corruptly when dealing with firearms with other People and you will act independently and impartially when reporting any person for breaches of the Law or misconduct including any alcohol or drug abuse to the gun lobby or State or Federal police service. If any person engages in any falsification or misrepresentation in obtaining a firearms licence then they shall be guilty of an offence and imprisoned for 10 years. Please register for the Truth and Justice Party ($100.00 per year, for all persons aged 17 and above: $2,000 for all businesses and corporations; any other donations including vehicles, office space, tradesmen help).

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