Saturday, July 31, 2010

The blackman is a Dung-Beetle

TRUTH AND JUSTICE PARTY. DAY 31. 31st day of July 2010.

The blackman is contented with zero. He does not know how to change his circumstances or lift his mind away from the past false beliefs and culture he has created. He does not know how to live at home, and build a home for his family and his children, The blackman is a Predator living in an Alien World. The Predator is always a sought after and hunted man, and many traps of various and different kinds are set for him by the Aliens from the Alien World to ruin him and destroy him and bring him down; thus, the Predator must learn to create a safe orld of his own and not rely upon the Alien and create a Bubble and learn to live within that Bubble as stated by the FERINGOD. The safety and security of the community is not the safety, security and fattedness of the blackman who is above the age of 19. Attention all men who are of or above the age of 18 and are prepared to meet and greet every one in their community in a 6 kilometre square radius and offer them help. The blackman must help the poor, the needy, the sick, the elderly and the very young. The blackman can no longer live the life of the gun and the Devil, but must live the life of true freedom, peace and happiness. He must make sure that every family is cared for and that he lives by his honour and that of his forefathers that died in the Civil War. The blackman must stop the crime: he must stop robbing and stealing like dirt bags. The blackman must plan for the good life and save for the good life, and then he must build thegood life for himself and his family. He must stop the swearing and other anti-social behaviours. He must look away from anger and fighting and find true peace. By doing this he lives longer and stronger in Faith in the FERINGOD. He must learn to think in a New Light and Drink the New Water. In the modern world the blackman must survive by more than luck and a prayer. He must be able to reach the stars without leaving his home or his feet leaving the ground. He must learn new things and be educated to the highest orders in law, science, physics, mathematics, chemistry, arts and communications. Most of all he must be fit. He must be able to run and keep fit and gain strength everyday until he dies. Thus, he cannot consume drugs or alcohol at all. He cannot afford a step backwards into time, otherwise, the world will say "the blackman is a dung beetle". The blackman cannot survive alone and he must build networks within his 6 kilometre radius and share the world he lives in with his friends. He must make new friends and new partners. He must be RESPONSIBILE. The blackman can show RESPONSIBILITY and he will be rewarded by showing his appreciation to others and his community by hard work and a clean life.

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